Our research team has evaluated extensively ways to improve the health and wellness of persons living with chronic disease and/or disability (including cardiovascular disease, chronic heart failure, cancer (of various forms), transplantation, major mental illness, spinal cord injury, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease). This research resulted in the development of rehabilitation models that meet the unique demands of a variety of chronic medical conditions. For instance, our novel interval training approach has been shown to provide a safe and highly effective alternative to traditional exercise rehabilitation. This includes both HOME– and CLINIC-based protocols. Moreover, our interactive video gaming program has been shown to be highly effective in persons with chronic disease (including cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, and breast cancer). Our research has significant implications for current clinical exercise rehabilitation practices around the world affording greater training options to clinicians and patients alike.
We have also been able to directly translate the findings of our research at the individual and community level. We are extremely proud of our partnerships with community-based programs (such as the Garratt Wellness Centre (Richmond BC), the Physical Activity Services, and the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries), the Pan-American Masters Games, and non-profit advocacy groups/organizations (e.g., our work with Brad Zdanivsky and VerticalChallenge.org). We are also proud of the various initiatives that have resulted from our research (such as the “Gift of Life Dragon Boat” team and the Getting Games Fit program for the 2020 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games). Collectively, our research has resulted in an increased awareness of the health and wellness benefits of exercise training for diverse medical conditions.